'Sinistro' é um acidente que causa danos e/ou prejuízos a um bem segurado e, por isso, o termo está presente na apólice do seguro. Não importa a forma do acontecimento, se de maneira súbita, involuntária ou imprevista.

como agir

Conheça a seguir algumas situações em que pode ocorrer o sinistro e saiba como proceder em cada uma delas.

Notify us of the accidenta

Please let us know by e-mail and over the phone, as soon as possible, never more than 24 hours.

Write down the complete identification

Write down the complete identification of the witnesses in person.

In case of escape

In the event of any vehicle escaping, note, whenever possible, the respective registration numbers and alert the competent authorities.

Mark the place of the accident

Mark the location of the accident with the warning triangle at the regulatory distance of 30 meters (approximately thirty paces) and, if necessary, switch on your car's lights as well as the hazard lights.

Write down if there were any injuries

Note whether there were any injuries, even if slight, visible injuries and their severity.

Wear the vest

Wear the retro-reflective vest.

In case of serious injuries

In case of serious injuries, call the appropriate authorities immediately and do not try to move or move the injured, just try to keep them comfortable and warm. Write down the hospital entity to which they are transported and the entity that provided the emergency transport.

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          Maria Marlin Retired Govt Officer, ON, Canada

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